Monday, January 26, 2009

Curried Noodles with Shrimp


Hello to all of you out in bloggerland! I know I've been gone for quite some time and I have some catching up to do, so I'm going to start tonight with curried rice noodles and shrimp! Thanks for waiting and coming back to visit us all in the tiny ass kitchen.

This is a quick fix dinner and can be done in under a half hour, it's great for people like me that come home from work late and don't want to spend their entire time home cooking to only eat later then you really want.


To start this recipe you'll need to dice up a whole pepper. I like the red ones.


Then you need to grate about a cup worth of carrot, if you get some larger chunks it's ok, it's all going to cook down anyway.


In a large skillet you'll need to heat up a little bit of olive oil and throw about a teaspoon of garlic in, you can always put in more or less, to taste. If you have some ginger grate that in, otherwise add a teaspoon of powdered ginger, it works just as good.


Once the garlic is good a toasty you add in all your other veggies and sweat them, you want them to cook up but not brown/caramelize.

Now in a small bowl you add two tablespoons give or take of soy sauce. To this soy sauce you need to add:


2 teaspoons curry powder and a teaspoon of cumin.


a teaspoon of ground coriander...


And a half teaspoon of fenugreek and ground cardamom.


In a pot you're going to warm some water and add in your rice noodles, DO NOT let the water boil, just put the lid on the top and turn off the water - they cook themselves in about 10 minutes.


Now your veggies should be nice and cooked down. What you do next is add you cleaned deveined shrimp.


Next you pour your spice mixture over along with about 1/4 - 1/2 cup of water and let all the shrimp cook till their pink.


What you get is a nice mixture of spice and savory to spoon over those rice noodles which should now be completely cooked. Enjoy and happy cooking!!