Thursday, February 26, 2009

Swedish Style Salmon with Baked Potato

My husband was nice enough to get me a treat this week by bringing home some fresh salmon he bought at work.


They are indeed beautiful cuts of fish.


It even was perking Bella's interest.


I started the dinner by placing my two potatoes in the oven at 400 degrees for about an hour.

When they were about 10 minutes from being done, it’s when I started my fish. I placed it, skin side up. I let the fish cook, about 3 minutes, maybe a bit more since these were rather thick pieces of fish.


When the fish starts to turn color about midway up the fish, I flip it onto it’s other side, getting the skin nice and brown.


When you think the fish has become fully cooked, give it a small cut and make sure the color of the fish is consistent the whole way through. If it is, it’s ready to plate.


Now you may be asking what makes this “Swedish Style” Salmon – and the trick is Lingonberries. Lingonberries are something you get up in the Scandinavian countries. It’s tricky to find, but you can get it in places like Wegmans, Whole Foods, or Ikea. My preserves are from Ikea (You DON’T want jelly).


The preserves have whole berries in it and you just put a generous amount on top. Don’t turn your nose at mixing fruit with fish, because it’s a wonderful combination. Fruit makes the sweet taste of salmon come out in a cleaner way, and it just tastes wonderful. So give it a shot before you condemn it.

I serve it up with a lovely baked potato – a wonderful, healthy and filling meal.


One Pot Meal


I’m going to try something new here with the blog and basically show you a dish that is cooked all in one pot – a crock pot that is. This was a meal I made a few days ago since I’d be getting home from work later then I wanted, this way I could feed me and my husband quickly.

In the morning I put a package of pork neck in that weighed about a pound and ½. I also peeled and cut up about 6-7 carrots, added 8 cups of water, 3 veggie bullion cubes, and a cup of barley.

I cooked it on low from 9am to 6pm.


And this was the finished product!


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Garlic Mustard Encrusted Bluefish with Garlic Mashed Potatoes

Welcome back to the Tiny Ass Kitchen located in the lovely state of New Jersey near the Shore.


Today's dinner was so delicious and I hope you give this one a go....


I started out this dinner by peeling and cutting up enough potatoes for me and my husband, with some left over to make him some lunches for during the week. I put them all in a pot and began boiling them.


While that boiled I took some minced garlic and butter and put that in a sauce pan...


I then turned on the flame and let it all cook, warming the butter and releasing the flavors of the garlic. I then poured it into my kitchen aide mixer when I was done... this would make my potatoes nice and garlicky....


While the garlic is getting happy and the potatoes are boiling, I'm going to start to prepare my Garlic Mustard... with MAPLE undertones.... Don't make a face about the Maple... it makes it good. The Garlic Mustard I got from Otter Creek Brewing Co. in Vermont - where I just got back from.


You put about 1 1/2 tablespoons of mustard into a small bowl and then add about a teaspoon of Maple Syrup. Mix it together and get it ready to put it on the fish.


You can be rather generous with spooning the mixture onto the fish. Today I'm using bluefish that my husband caught last year in the fall that I've had frozen. I did defrost it overnight and it was ready it go.


Next you'll want to get your pan nice and hot, when it is smoking you will go ahead and place the fish down mustard first!


While the fish cooks you can make your mashed potatoes. I add in a little extra butter, non fat milk and sour cream. Yum....


The fish cooks pretty quickly and then you can enjoy the smell of it... it may not look pretty but trust me, it's so good.


Then you just put it all together and ENJOY!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Not Your Usual Stuffed Peppers

Thanks for coming back to visit me and the cats in the Tiny Ass Kitchen - we're all glad your back, even though the images haven't improved, but are now back and ready to entertain you.


This weekend on a stop to the bookstore I picked up a new veggie cook book - this time written by a carnivore who owns a place called Greens - a veggie restaurant, in England. I was interested and laid out the 7 bucks, and I'm glad I did.

This recipe is a version on the Stuffed Pimentos with thyme and basil. Enjoy... And Scott - this one is for you. I hope you like this one.


I began this dinner by popping some yellow rice into my rice cooker - it took the longest and I basically started everything else once it was done, this way everything is nice and hot when you plate it.


Start this main dish by cutting 2 or 3 large peppers in half (depending how many people you are feeding - I made 3 so I'd have leftovers), seeding them and placing them on a hot cast iron skillet to char them slightly. Then you can lay them on a small baking sheet. Do this to all the peppers!


Now for the stuffing - I'm using ricotta cheese mixed with some thyme, pepper, garlic, and some shredded mozzarella. I made this mixture a few weeks ago when I made baked ziti but had some leftover. I froze it and decided to use it for this. I thawed it overnight and it was ready for tonight. A couple ingredients for this today are leftovers, so this could be something you make after you make a big thing of lasagna or baked ziti and you had a little to much.


Take that cheese mixture and put enough to fill in the pepper without over filling it.


When all the peppers are filled, you can sprinkle a little extra mozzerlla on it (I did!) and then add some parsely, garlic and pepper on the top. When your rice is done, pop it in the broiler for around 15 minutes...


When it's done it'll look like this.


As a side dish for this I made some boiled carrots. Husband/Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Wife/Lover HATES boiled carrots? Try my version. You can take some baby carrots and cut them into pieces, add them to some water along with a little salt and dried parsley, let them cook until the water is boiling but the carrot has some bite to it.


When they are cooked, drain them and put them in a bowl. Take a half of lemon and give a squeeze over the carrots...


And put a dollop of butter/margarine on the top.

Even Danny likes these.


When everything is done and ready to be plated, you can also take some tomato sauce and ladle it onto the stuffed peppers - it is super delicious and I do hope you give it a try.


It'll make sure there are full bellies all around.

Back - Now with crappy images!

Hey everyone - sorry for the hiatus.

Although I still have not gotten a new camera, I hijacked the crappy camera that Danny still had a in his possession. It's not the best, only about 5mp, so please don't tell me how much worse my images are - I know they suck, but I'm going to be doing some more vegetarian recipes and want you all to see them.

Maybe if someone would buy me a nice camera? Yeah. Didn't think so!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Twiced Baked Taters

Alright. So I wanted to let all of you who read this (the few and the proud) that this will be the last blog I'm going to be able to post in a little while, not that I've been to good about it lately.

My camera crapped out on me and I'm unable to afford one at the moment. It may be about a month until I am able to get a new one that I feel will last me more then a year. Todays recipie was done back in December and I forgot about the photos, if I can find more I didn't post I promise I will but if I disappear please don't forget about me!

And anyway: Twiced Baked Taters

On New Years Eve I planned on showing you all the food me and my friend Jess cooked over her house, but I started drinking to much wine and playing to much Wii with Lexi, Jess's 5 year old. The only thing I got for you is this, a quick and easy heart attack recipie!


First you're going to start with about 6 good sized potatoes, washed up!

You pop those potatoes in the oven and bake them for one hour at 350 degrees. Notice there is no picture - I was on my second glass of wine. You'll have to deal.


When the potatoes are done, you cut them in half.


You then are going to man your oven mitts, and scoop out the insides of the potatoes in a bowl. Now don't skip to much out because you want the potato to keep it's shape.


When you have everything scooped, you lay the potatoes skins on a baking sheet. In the bowl with the potato guts, you'll add in a cup of low fat sour cream, 1/2 cup of skim milk or whatever milk you have, 4 tablespoons of margarine or butter, 1/2 teaspoon of salt and pepper and finally - a cup of shredded cheddar cheese. You can also add crumbled bacon - but I like to add bacos on bacon on the top.


You then spoon that mixture into the potatoes, the mixture will come up over the top of the potato skin. Then you sprinkle more cheese and bacon on top. Because - you know, the world is better with more cheese in it. When you're done you pop it into the oven, pour another glass of wine and you wait 15-20 minutes till they are nice and oozy.
